17 September, 2013

Devcon 2013 : Liferay Developer Conference

Hello Everybody,

I am sure you would have heard about the Devcon from LIFERAY community members or any Liferay members. Devcon is going to held in Berlin on 9-10 OCT.

This conference is designed for you (Developers,users and vendors). It features sessions with insights useful for your and your company. Liferay want you to to walk away from the time with a better understanding of how Liferay works and how that, in turn, can positively influence your current or future project. They are also looking for your valuable inputs. This conference is also an opportunity to meet community and staff members in Liferay areas you are invested in, and learn from each other.

And yeah .... Lastly, don't loose opportunity to  meet and get to know Liferay's core engineers, Liferay developers and community members from all over the world.

So Register your self and get the benefits for Devcon 2013...

For more details , visit  http://www.liferay.com/web/devcon2013

Pics from Devcon -2013 : http://www.flickr.com/photos/liferay/sets/72157634432018206/

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