30 November, 2012

Useful Patch for Liferay 6.1.1 GA2 - By Juan

Hi Everyone,

I was just looking out some solution for the problem which is coming out during migration and i found this forum article.

Nice forum article by Juan !!!!
It's really helpful to lookout and solve many issues for Liferay 6.1.1.

He is been doing some years ago, he has  released a patch for solving many issues for 6.1.1 GA2. He has tried to patch only bugs, not improvements.

For patching just unzip the .diff file into liferay 6.1.1 source folder (same folder level as portal-impl, portal-web, etc folders) and use patch command in Linux or other tools for Windows. After that just compile and enjoy!

Example on how to apply patch in Linux: patch -p0 < patch_6.1.1_juan.diff

17 November, 2012

Liferay CRUD portlets with XMLPortletFactory - By Jack Rider

One of the first tasks you find in a project is to create support for the persistence layer, say for example products, clients, suppliers table. This usually accounts for a big load of hours, not to say if you find your self with late changes with fields, versions, requirements....etc

Luckily Liferay developers have this open source tool called XMLPortletFactory, that creates complete portlets with just a small XML definition file, were you can control and implement a load of parameters like:

06 November, 2012

Date picker using alloy UI

Use below code to insert date picker in your jsp file :
<%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/portlet_2_0" prefix="portlet" %>

05 November, 2012

Liferay 6.2 New Features

Today i was looking out liferay community and palying with some of article and I found some interesting stuff which would be launching in upcoming version of liferay which is Liferay 6.2 .
So here are some of the attractive features i have listed here.

1)  Website Management :

WCM Management User Interface

      • Similar UI to Documents and Media

      • Easy organization via folders

      • Support for workflow per folder per content type

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