21 October, 2011

Portlet URL using javascript

To create portlet URL using javascript,use below script :

function createRowURL( row ) {
   var portletURL = new Liferay.PortletURL();
   portletURL.setParameter("rowNumber", row );
   return portletURL.toString();

Struts portlet

Here are steps to create a struts portlet using Liferay plugins sdk:

1) Change portlet.xml which would have below content:


20 October, 2011

What's new in liferay 6.1 beta ?

  • Multiple Repository Mounting - including CMIS 1.0 Support
  • Unification of the Document Library and Image Gallery (Image gallery and document library combined into one called Documents and media)

17 October, 2011

Add FCKEditor

Use below sample code to integrate FCKEditor with liferay and replace with your value :

<liferay-ui:input-editor /><input
    name="directoryDescription" type="hidden" />

04 October, 2011

Minimize Liferay Portal Process Load

As we know that Liferay comes with a lot of functionality bundled that not everybody might need, this article explains how it can be minimized to gain memory, CPU cycles, etc.

Portlet Vs. Servlet

  •  With servlets, the service() method processes all requests.
  •  With portlets, the processAction() method processes the requests and the render() method draws the    contents of the portlet on the page.

Portlet Lifecycle

I know that this is very simple topics but might be most useful and necessary to understand :
Portlet Lifecycle

Default velocity variables for web content

This all Are the Default velocity variables :


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