30 January, 2012

Open source vs. commercial portals

A user uses an open source portal product, free of charge. User can modify and extend its
source code. Liferay Portal is an open source portal. It is distributed under the GNU, Lesser
General Public License (LGPL) (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html).
Liferay Portal is available in two versions: Community Edition (CE) and Enterprise Edition (EE).
A client can use its community edition, free of charge. If a client wants support from Liferay,
Inc., they can buy the Enterprise Edition.

What is web portal

You may find many definitions of web portal but in very simple word :

A portal is a web portal.A web portal refers to a website that provides a broad array of resources and services, which typically include e-mail, forum, searching,and online shopping. Yahoo! was one of the first portals.

Whats is liferay portal ?

Very basic information about liferay.
Liferay Portal is a Java web application. In a web application, a user types in a Uniform
Resource Locator (URL) string in a browser address box and fires it.

11 January, 2012

Organization list in theme

If you want to fetch all the organization list in theme after login,
you can use below code :

#set ($myPlaces = $user.getOrganizations())

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