29 January, 2013

How actionurl and renderurl works ?

If you are beginner and not much familiar with the action URL and render URL, Here is the information.

Liferay portlet will have only one portlet controller class which you might have already configured in portlet.xml. Based on your render url or action url , you process or render action will be triggered .

24 January, 2013

Liferay Consumer Survey

Hi All,
As apart of  LIUG members here we have a chance for CE user to present give feedback to Liferay
Please fill this survey and ask other LIUG members to fill this survey ASAP


21 January, 2013

User service in webcontent template

If you want to get list out user data in liferay web content template, use just below velocity template code in web content template and get work out :

 ## Don't forget to set journal.template.velocity.restricted.variables=
 ## in portal-ext.properties; in other words, set it to nothing to unset the restriction.

#set ($userLocalService= $serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.portal.service.UserLocalService"))
#set ($userId = $getterUtil.getLong($request.remote-user))
#set($user = $userLocalService.getUserById($userId))

02 January, 2013

Liferay Plugin-SDK Details

Plugin-SDK comes into picture after Liferay 4.X version.
Liferay introduced very nice idea for hot deployment of plugins. Later versions added more features and new types in plugins.

Currently there are six types of plugins:
  • Portlets
  • Themes
  • Layout Templates
  • Web Modules
  • Hooks
  • EXT

01 January, 2013

Liferay MVC Portlet

During the render phase of the portlet lifecycle, the Liferay MVC Portlet also looks for a specific render parameter named jspPage.

The jspPage value should be a valid jsp page, including the path. ex. jspPage = “/html/showEditPublisher.jsp”
If jspPage is defined within the renderRequest, then the portlet will dispatch to the jspPage directly.

This means that if you're creating portlet whose sole purpose is to display data, you don't necessarily need to ever create a portlet class, the included com.liferay.util.bridges.mvc.MVCPortlet class provides all the portlet functionality you need and you're free to spend your time developing the view layer of your application.

Portlet Modes

If you know about portlet lifecycle then you would be aware about the portlet modes as well.
Here I have tried to list out the important modes which can be use by portlet.
Each portlet has a current mode, which indicates the function the portlet is performing.
All Java Standards compliant portals must support the
  • View
  • Edit  
  • Help.
Portlet modes are defined in the portlet.xml file.
Custom modes may be created by developers.

Portlet Characteristics

Portlets characteristics that make them different from Servlets
    • Portlet Modes
    • Window States
    • Portlet Preferences
    • Standard Inter Portlet Communication (IPC)
    • Public render parameters
    • Events
    • Resource Serving
    • AJAX support
    • Binary data support
    • Portlet Filters

Java standards portlet


  • There are two JSR standards that govern portal/portlet behavior.
  • JSR-168 is the Portlet 1.0 Specification.
  • It was created out of a need to have a specification for displaying multiple applications on the same page.
  • JSR-286 is the Portlet 2.0 Specification which retains backwards
  • compatibility with 1.0 (JSR-168) portlets.
  • Adds new features based on the experience of the different portal vendors.
  • The portlet specification defines the life cycle of a portlet as well as its characteristics.

Core Architecture :
  • The core architecture will be the same across Java Standard compliant portals.
  • Portlets written to the standard will run on all compliant portlet containers.
Documentation :
  • The Portlet Specification will not change, and you can reliably refer to it for information.
  • Standard Portlet API for developers.

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