29 March, 2013

SpeedUP Liferay Application

Here is some bench marks which can increase your system performance :

Please see below details which can be taken care for Liferay performance benchmark.

1) First step to increase performance is hardware configuration.
So Hardware Configuration as per Liferay 6.1 EE Performance Whitepaper

19 March, 2013

HashMap sorting

I know this is not related to Liferay... But it can be useful to you guys for java programming...
As we know that hash map doesnt allow duplicate value with the same key name... But if you want to sort the map by values instead of key, below is the code which can be useful...

07 March, 2013


Hello Friends,

Do you know the use of Beanshell script which is coming up with Liferay control panel ?
If you go to Liferay control panel >> Server Administration section,
there is one tab available to run the bean shell script directly . See below screen shot

Solr integration with Liferay 6.1

If you want to setup solr with liferay and want to use solr as a search engine,
Guys you can follow below steps:

Its very quick and simple, Just try ....

Embed search in theme and redirect

As we know that we can simply embed search in theme which is mentioned in  http://www.liferaysolution.com/2011/12/embed-search-and-web-content-search.html

But If you want to embed search in theme and want to redirect on specific fix community page then you may need some modification and can use below code in you theme .vm file :

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