This article will be useful to you , If you are new in liferay, and want to create theme from scratch,
Just follow below steps :
1) Download plugin-sdk from liferay site
2) Configure plugin-sdk by configuring file
here you will have to replace your user name instead of jignesh.vachhani
# Specify the paths to an unzipped Tomcat bundle.
## Auto Deploy
# Plugins will be deployed to this directory. Make sure that Liferay is
# also set to scan this directory.
3) Now go to themes folder in plugin-sdk and run below command
create "My Theme" mytheme

4) It will create My Theme-theme folder under themes folder
5) Go to My Theme-theme and run below command :

6) So your theme project is ready now and now you can update any css,vm,javascript file by putting in _diff
folder and can run again ant deploy command from theme project folder
7) If theme is deployed properly then you can see your custom theme by clicking on Manage Pages >> Look and feel section
If still you are confused , how to create theme just fire your comment here and we will try to resolve it......
Enjoy !!!!!!!!!!!
Just follow below steps :
1) Download plugin-sdk from liferay site
2) Configure plugin-sdk by configuring file
here you will have to replace your user name instead of jignesh.vachhani
# Specify the paths to an unzipped Tomcat bundle.
## Auto Deploy
# Plugins will be deployed to this directory. Make sure that Liferay is
# also set to scan this directory.
3) Now go to themes folder in plugin-sdk and run below command
create "My Theme" mytheme
4) It will create My Theme-theme folder under themes folder
5) Go to My Theme-theme and run below command :
6) So your theme project is ready now and now you can update any css,vm,javascript file by putting in _diff
folder and can run again ant deploy command from theme project folder
7) If theme is deployed properly then you can see your custom theme by clicking on Manage Pages >> Look and feel section
If still you are confused , how to create theme just fire your comment here and we will try to resolve it......
Enjoy !!!!!!!!!!!