This is very simple but will be useful to new developer and start with liferay development:
1) First of all setup you r liferay as shown in (Liferay Setup)
2) Now make ready deployment environment using below steps
=> Go to pligin-sdk package
=> Change or override with the help of your machine user name for e.g
=> Please make sure dotn update existing just make
=> another copy with
Now open build.<username>.properties and set with below settings
3) Now go to command prompt and run the command as show in below screenshot :

4) Now portlet(product-master1-portlet) has been created under D:\Liferay_New\plugins-sdk\portlets\ folder
5) you can deploy this portlet using simple Ant deploy command (See below screenshot)

1) First of all setup you r liferay as shown in (Liferay Setup)
2) Now make ready deployment environment using below steps
=> Go to pligin-sdk package
=> Change or override with the help of your machine user name for e.g
=> Please make sure dotn update existing just make
=> another copy with
Now open build.<username>.properties and set with below settings
# # Specify the paths to an unzipped Tomcat bundle. # app.server.type=tomcat app.server.dir=D:/Liferay_New/tomcat/liferay-portal-6.1.0-ce-ga1/tomcat-7.0.23 app.server.deploy.dir=${app.server.dir}/webapps${app.server.dir}/lib/ext app.server.portal.dir=${app.server.dir}/webapps/ROOT ## ## Auto Deploy ## # # Plugins will be deployed to this directory. Make sure that Liferay is # also set to scan this directory. # auto.deploy.dir=D:/Liferay_New/tomcat/liferay-portal-6.1.0-ce-ga1/deployNote: you can check machine user name with "set" command in command prompt.
3) Now go to command prompt and run the command as show in below screenshot :
4) Now portlet(product-master1-portlet) has been created under D:\Liferay_New\plugins-sdk\portlets\ folder
5) you can deploy this portlet using simple Ant deploy command (See below screenshot)