05 December, 2011

Liferay setup

 Hi Liferay Geeks,

As per the request by many developers who have just started to push up their shocks for liferay development, Here i am putting this step by step information for "How to setup liferay server in local machine & How to setup development environment".

So guys please follow below steps :
First thing you may need to setup is JDK installation in your machine and have set proper environment path.

1) To Start a Liferay development , First thing you need liferay source which you can download from here
2) You need to download source for i) Tomcat bundle(server) ii) plugin-sdk(portlet development environment) iii) portal source(OOB portal source code for debug)  iv) IDE plugin (which will be useful for portlet development but not necessary).
3) Now to build your portlet, you must need to setup build tool like ANT in your local machine.
4) Now create one project folder called "My Project" and then extract your tomcat bundle code under this folder.
5) Now extract your plugin-sdk source code  in My Project folder
6) Once you extract the complete source code the next step will come into picture is Database Integration with Liferay.
    So now you may need to configure some properties to integrate specific database with liferay.
    For that you need to create one property file called "portal-ext.properties" and you will have to
    put    this file at your tomcat classes folder(D:\My Project\liferay-portal-6.0.6\tomcat-6.0.29\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\classes).
7) In your portal-ext.properties file please make below configuration
    # MySQL


 Here you can replace your database name with medic and put your database user name and password.

8) Now just start your server by clicking on startup.bat file (D:\My Project\liferay-portal-6.0.6\tomcat-6.0.29/bin)

9)Now check server log whether your tomcat is started properly and your database is populated with all the necessary  OOB tables.

10 ) Now you are ready with the complete setup of liferay server and development environment now you can hit http://localhost:8080 to check the liferay on browser.

Now information regarding "How to create sample portlet in Liferay ?" , Stay tuned here as this will be published on next post :)

If you are facing any problem to setup the environment , post your comment here and subscribe this post

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