22 September, 2011

EXT deployment in LR-6

Here are the steps that need to be executed on the server for EXT deployment :
  • Redeploy Liferay. To do this, follow the same steps you used when first deploying Liferay on the app server. If you are using a bundle, you can just unzip the bundle again. If you've installed Liferay manually on an existing application server, you'll need to redeploy the .war file and copy the global libraries to the appropriate directory within the application server. If this is the first time the Ext plugin is deployed, you can skip this step.

  • Copy the Ext plugin .war into the auto deploy directory. For a bundled Liferay distribution, the deploy folder is in the root folder.
  • Once the Ext plugin is detected and deployed by Liferay, restart the Liferay server.

     Note : If you really need to use an Ext plugin make it as small as possible.

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