08 July, 2013

Liferay Portal Performance Best Practices

It's really good to get chance to review this book and it was really great experience to get something interesting stuff(called application performance) which is very useful for every liferay projects.

I am sure if you follow each steps which is mentioned in this book for your liferay application, your application performance would surely increased drastically.
I specially like some of the topics like Load Balancing and Clustering best practices, Caching practices, Load testing and performance tuning.
Even I tried to follow some of the mentioned steps practically and it was like a magic for me to see the Liferay application performance.
I would highly recommend this book to read as it has i would say tons of information which can be helpful to you to develop scalable application.
Jignesh Vachhani
Sr. Software Consultant (Liferay,CMS,WCM)

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